Is Vinegar Or Baking Soda Safe For Ferrets? (Solved)

Vinegar is one of the most widely used cleaning elements in the world for three main reasons: it is very accessible, it is not a harmful chemical and it is very cheap.
A solution of vinegar and water can be effective to keep ferret cages clean, hygienic and fresh, although it must be taken into account that if the vinegar leaves a very strong odor it will not be to the ferret’s liking.
Cage cleaning is due to the natural disinfectant properties of vinegar, it can kill any bacteria that may be present in the ferret’s cage.
The water component of the mixture simply serves as a solvent. If the ferret’s cage is dirty, a bacterial infection is always an unpleasant possibility.
How do you get dried ferret poop off the floor?
In addition, to use in general cleaning jobs, undiluted white vinegar can also be useful for removing stubborn and stubborn bird droppings from a ferret’s cage.
Simply dip a cotton pad in a little white vinegar and let it sit on the dried fecal matter that is stuck to the cage for half an hour or a little less.
Pet supply stores also sell aerosol products to quickly remove droppings.
The slight acidity of the vinegar works by dissolving some of the fecal matter and making it easy to remove. The acid contained in white vinegar is acetic acid, a weak acid that is not harmful to ferrets.
In case you do not have vinegar, you can simply use warm water or water at room temperature, and wet the part where the dried stool is for about 7 minutes.
The water will soften the organic matter which will be easy to remove and clean with disposable paper.
Do ferrets like the smell of apple cider vinegar?
Ferrets do not like the smell of apple cider vinegar at all, remember that apple cider vinegar has a much stronger odor than white vinegar.
In extreme cases, the smell of apple cider vinegar can be harmful to a very sensitive sense of smell and prolonged exposure, inhalation of acetic acid could irritate the ferret’s lung.
There is a big difference between white vinegar and apple cider vinegar, although both can have a similar percentage of acidity, white vinegar can have a higher degree of acidity, which makes it a better cleaning option.
The fundamental difference is in the manufacture of apple cider vinegar since it is obtained through the fermentation of apples, and therefore has a much stronger odor than white vinegar.
Difference between white vinegar and cleaning vinegar
Among the old cleaning tricks of all life has always spoken of the use of white vinegar as an effective product for disinfection and cleaning, but in addition, vinegar has endless uses such as personal hygiene, insecticide, repellent or descaler.
But we must be clear that there is a small difference between white vinegar and cleaning vinegar, the degree of acidity.
White vinegar for consumption has a percentage of acidity that ranges between 3% and 5%, while white vinegar for cleaning has 8% acidity.
Can you put baking soda in your ferrets’ cage?
One of the main problems when cleaning a ferret cage is precisely that of eliminating possible bad odors, and that is why many people are tempted to entrust this task to chemical products.
For many other people, who do not like to use chemical products, or simply want to use reliable homemade methods, there are two very useful elements that are not harmful to the ferret, baking soda and lemon juice.
To clean a ferret cage you should sprinkle the baking soda powder until it covers the entire surface to be cleaned.
Take a sprayer (better if it is new and not where there were first chemicals), and pour 100 ml of lemon juice and 20 ml of warm water.
Spray the mixture directly on the baking soda, it will form a foam that is a product of the interaction between the acidity of the lemon and the alkalinity of the baking soda, let it all act for at least 3 minutes.
With a microfiber cloth, remove all the mixture from the cage, rinse in clean water, and then proceed to dry the cage well.
How many times do you clean a ferret’s cage?
It is important to keep the ferret cage clean, as it is one of the biggest sources of bacteria, which can end up making your pet sick. At least once a month, remove everything inside the cage and wash it thoroughly with water and a bar of neutral soap.
Can ferrets eat baking soda?
It is possible that out of curiosity the ferret licks a little bicarbonate, this is not harmful in moderate doses, bicarbonate is a natural alkaline element, its taste is strong and salty similar to common salt.
Although bicarbonate is not harmful in accidental ingestion, it should be taken into account that it could be harmful if the ferret ingests it in large quantities, bicarbonate is very alkaline and could cause intestinal problems by reacting with the stomach acids.