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Can Chickens Eat Sunflower Seeds? (You Should Know This)
Can chickens eat sunflower seeds? Sunflower seed is currently one of the most common and popular crops, which many poultry farmers use as food for their chickens because of its…
What Temperature is Too Cold For Baby Ducks? (Temperature Chart Included)
What temperature is too cold for baby ducks? Ducks by their dense plumage have an incredible resistance to the cold, their feathers are perfectly adapted to retain the heat of…
Can Chickens Eat Leaves? (Various Examples)
Can chickens eat leaves? Chickens are like hyenas in poultry, they eat everything, I’ve been surprised at how much a chicken can eat, among those things leaves of trees, chickens…
Can Quails Eat Chicken Feed? (Key Tips)
Can you feed quail chicken feed? Quails and chickens are very similar physically, both have wings, beaks, lay eggs, etc etc, there are so many similarities that one would think…
Don’t Feed Your Chicken Raw Sweet Potato (This is The Reason)
Don’t feed your chicken raw sweet potato Sweet potatoes are delicious and highly nutritious, to be honest it was one of my favorite foods as a child, but feeding raw…
When Do Baby Quails Start Eating? (Day-by-Day Growth)
When do baby quails start eating? Quails grow very quickly, in a little more than a month they reach their maximum size, but the first days of the quail require…