Can You Use Sawdust For Budgies? (Here’s Why it is Not Recommended)
Sawdust is one of the most widely used natural materials as a substrate for birds, it is extremely accessible, economical and very absorbent. The progressive increase in prices of bird…
Can Chickens Eat Uncooked Pasta? (Solved)
Generally, chickens have almost no problems with the food they eat, due to their characteristics of being practically omnivorous and resistant at feeding time. But, not everything hens eat is…
Where Do Ducks Sleep on a Farm?
Inside a farm the ducks have their own home, with its own sleeping space, prepared with suitable and comfortable materials for the rest of the ducks. Just like the homes of…
3 Types of Ducks That Nest In Trees
Ducks in the wild diversify over their nesting conditions, and often nest in brush piles along lakes, rivers, or on dry land, or near embankments. Some species nest among the…
Do Eagles Have Night Vision? (Night vision of Eagles)
I recently saw an animal documentary that surprised me quite a bit, in fact, all animal documentaries surprise me, no matter how simple they are. In this documentary, I was…
Popular Vegetables for Ducks (Some Are NOT Recommended)
Is there any duck that is vegetarian? I totally doubt it…after this awkward introduction to the topic, we begin a very interesting article about a variety of vegetables that ducks…