Why Do Parakeets Chirp When They Hear Water?(Solved)
Although parakeets are gregarious birds, they love the quiet and use their hearing and vocalizations to communicate with each other. The auditory factor is extremely important in the interaction of…
Can a Parakeet Drown By Accident? (Solved)
Can a Parakeet Drown By Accident? Any container of water can be considered a natural hazard to the parakeet, whether it is a bucket of water deep enough or leaving…
Can Parakeets Eat Chia Seeds? (Solved)
Because of their granivorous capacity, parakeets are adapted to eat seeds and can eat chia seeds, the problem with this type of food is when it is offered excessively which…
Can Budgies Eat Corn? Is It Healthy Or Unsafe? (Solved)
Despite being a grain, corn is not part of the basic diet of budgies, although corn is a food that budgies absolutely enjoy eating. All psittacine birds love to eat…
Can Birds Eat Honey? ( Budgies, Canaries, Cockatiels and Parrots)
Can Birds Eat Honey? ( Budgies, Canaries, Cockatiels and Parrots) Honey is not recognized as a staple food for birds, both for budgies, canaries and cockatiels, This could emphasize are…
3 Reasons Why Toilet Paper Roll Could Be Dangerous For Pet Birds
Many people who have pet birds including budgies, lovebirds, cockatiels, canaries, etc, find very creative uses for toilet paper rolls in their bird cages, Many times without knowing the negative consequences…