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about everything related to wild animals and pets in general.
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Can Cockatiels Drink Tap Water? (Key Tips)
The families with a cockatiel at home assume great responsibility and must take care of their food, hydration, prevent illnesses and provide them with a safe space to go out…
Are Cockatiels High Maintenance? (Essential Tips for Beginners)
Compared to other pets, cockatiels are a comfortable alternative for those who cannot assume the commitment of a pet that demands high maintenance, they do not have to be taken…
Are Sloths Dangerous? (Interesting Arguments)
The Sloth is a world-famous and recognized animal for its adorable and friendly appearance and its extreme slowness of movement. The adorable appearance of this animal and its sleepy appearance…
Why Do Spiders Raise Their Abdomen?
Spiders are notorious animals, often being labeled as dangerous and aggressive, when the reality is that they are shy and very scary animals and their first bodily reaction to a…
Why Is The Giraffe’s Tongue Blue? (Clear explanation)
The Giraffe tongue has surprising and distinctive characteristics, it is a prodigy of evolutionary design. Its shape, color, texture and length are ideal for fulfilling the goal that nature has…
Can Snails Feel Pain? (Physical evidence)
Animal species as living beings, however tiny they may be, are sentient beings, even capable of experiencing pain, pleasure, fear or stress. This feeling capacity means that all animals are…