Why Are Worms Attracted To Vibrations? Two Possible Causes
Despite the fact that worms live underground, it is a well-known fact among people who collect worms for certain activities that when they feel some kind of vibration they come…
Why Hasn’t Your Leopard Gecko Shed?, Causes and Solutions
Like all other reptiles, leopard geckos must molt regularly. In doing so, they shed their epidermis in large shreds. In this article we will address why geckos do or don’t…
How to Take Care of Tarantula Eggs, Artificial and Natural Way
If you have a tarantula and have wondered how to take care of her eggs, both naturally and artificially, in this article we will be addressing this issue. If the…
Why Do Spiders Raise Their Abdomen?
Spiders are notorious animals, often being labeled as dangerous and aggressive, when the reality is that they are shy and very scary animals and their first bodily reaction to a…
Can Snails Feel Pain? (Physical evidence)
Animal species as living beings, however tiny they may be, are sentient beings, even capable of experiencing pain, pleasure, fear or stress. This feeling capacity means that all animals are…
Can a Snail Attack a Human Being? (Solved)
Every time we imagine a dangerous animal for humans, we think of an animal such as a hippopotamus, or a shark, but we do not associate a snail with that…