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Do Squirrels Get Drunk? (Solved)
A squirrel can get drunk or intoxicated by eating a considerable amount of fermented fruit, this is an involuntary act, since to the squirrel’s palate it is only eating fruit,…
5 Things You Should Do If Your Budgie Is Afraid Of You
Budgies can be very fearful birds, that a budgie is afraid of a person who tries to take care of it is a very common situation, especially when they are…
Do Budgies Have Good Hearing? (Explained in Details)
Despite their tiny appearance and no visible ears on their heads, budgerigars have very good hearing, to the point of being sensitive to very loud sounds. Budgies have highly developed hearing,…
How Hard Is The Skin Of A Crocodile?
Crocodiles have existed for millions of years, they are so ancient that they actually coexisted with the now-extinct dinosaurs of which they share many similarities. For an animal to coexist…
Is It Cruel To Keep A Single Budgie? (Yes, here is why)
It is not appropriate for a budgie to be alone, and if you are reading this topic, it is very likely that you have heard this expression about budgies. Having…
Can Rabbits Survive On Hay Alone As Food?
Hay is a fundamental food in the rabbit’s diet, a rabbit should eat it daily, because hay has the essential fiber for an optimal functioning of its digestive system, in…