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about everything related to wild animals and pets in general.
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Do Turkeys Get Lonely? (Solved)
Domesticated turkeys are very popular poultry, mostly prized for their meat, a bird of considerable size that requires a large portion of space. For various reasons some people decide to…
Do Pheasants Eat Mice? (Clear Explanation)
The pheasant is beautiful poultry, related to chickens. Many people who have pheasants on their farms may have noticed at some point that pheasants, like chickens, can eat small mice….
6 Animals That Are Born Blind And Deaf (With Pictures)
In the animal world there are animals that are experts in adapting their senses to their environment, some are born without eyes and remain so for the rest of their…
How Do Squirrels Crack Nuts? (Solved)
Personally I love walnuts, they are crunchy but have such a mild flavor, at Christmas they used to give me big bags of walnuts, the only problem was being able…
Can Squirrels Survive Any Fall? (How They do it)
Squirrels are daredevils when it comes to heights, I recently saw an amazing video of a squirrel that jumped into the void of its own volition from a rather tall…
4 Pole Materials a Squirrel Can’t Climb (Top Most Effective)
Squirrels are excellent climbers (yes, I know, super redundant starting phrase) but this will be an interesting topic where we will be analyzing and comparing the different materials that a…